Tak Toyoshima is the creator/illustrator of Secret Asian Man comics and also the creative director at Dig Publishing LLC. In addition, his work can be found in “Occupy Ethnic Food Aisle” for the Secret Identities: Shattered anthology from New Press and “Kazoku” for the Tomo: Friendship Through Fiction anthology from Stone Bridge Press.
What inspired “Family Man”?
Zombies are everywhere these days, but all that pales in comparison to the real horrors of truly disturbed people. People can have a very strange sense of justice, and in this story our lonely friend has just saved his family from a fate worse than death.
Is this your first horror story?
Definitely not the first time I’ve drawn in a horror style but it might be the first horror story that I drew, as short as it is.
Are you a fan of horror? If so, what are some of your favorite stories? (And they don’t have to be limited to comic books.)
I do love horror movies but mostly the supernatural ones or the ones with indestructible psycho killers. I’m not a big fan of the more recent wave of torture porn.
“Family Man” is a departure from your work on Secret Asian Man; was that part of the appeal, or did your find it challenging?
It was a nice change to work on something in a completely different style and tone. Funny thing was that I happened to be working on inks for another anthology on a story about Shaolin monks vs. zombies, so perhaps I had zombies in the brain.
What prompted you to limit your story to one page?
Honestly I was asked to do a one-pager, so I did. Not sure if this story lends itself to much more than what I put together anyways.
Artistically, was there anything you were hoping to achieve? Where you happy with the results?
I was mostly looking to work on something completely different from the SAM stuff, so it definitely fulfilled that urge! I am happy with the results but, of course, always try to imagine what my stories would look like if illustrated by someone like Bernie Wrightson.
Finally, what bread and condiment compliments a hand sandwich? Is it served cold or hot?
I’d have to go with a hand on spleenini bread, slathered in pustard and decayonaise.
Thank you, Tak.
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